Love & Vegetarianism 愛與素食

I. Introduction

1. Ladies and gentlemen, I am grateful for the grace of God, virtues of Holy Teachers, Lao Qian Ren and Qian Ren, so that I can have this chance to share the topic with you..

2. Let’s talk about “Love” first. People innately, naturally, have three senses about love, which are empathy, sympathy, and compassion. Empathy means you have the same experience, and you can understand others’ feeling. Sympathy means that you are not necessarily have the same experience and know the people’s feeling, but you feel sad for him. For example, as a man, of course, I don’t have the experience to give birth to a baby, but I feel bad for the mother who is suffering from the process of laboring. Compassion means we not only understand others’ pain, feel sad for them, but also try to relieve their pain, and give them happiness.

3. In Taiwan, most people become vegetarian because of religion; therefore, many people see vegetarianism as a kind of religious belief. However, today, I would like to say that the most important reason for being a vegetarian is “Love”. Because of the three senses of love, we will naturally care about animals, people, environment, and ourselves.

I. 前言

1. 各位先生女士,後學感謝天恩師德,老前人前人老慈悲大德,因此後學才有此機會在此與各位分享此議題。

2. 我們首先談「愛」。人們天生地、自然地擁有三種愛的感受能力,即同理心、同情心及慈悲心。同理心代表您他人有相同經驗,且能瞭解他人的感受。同情心是指您不必然有相同經驗及瞭解他人感受,但您替他人感到難過。例如,後學是乾道,必然沒有生小孩的經驗,但後學也會替正在受分娩之苦的婦女感到難過。慈悲心則是您不但瞭解他人的痛苦,替他人感到難過,還會進一步地想要替他們解除痛苦,帶來歡樂。

3. 在台灣,大部分的人是因宗教因素而吃素;因此,大部分的人都視素食主義為宗教信仰。然而,今天,後學想說,成為素食者最重要的理由是因為「愛」。由於上述三種愛的感受,使我們自然而然地關心動物、人們、環境,及我們自己。

II. Love animals

1. Christian Lion

There was a missionary walking in a grassland in Africa. When he found a lion following him, he immediately prayed and said, “Oh, God, please bless that the lion walking behind me is a good Christian lion.” Amazingly, he heard the lion not only spoke but also said that “Oh, God, thank you for giving me such a wonderful meal.”

II. 愛動物

1. 信基督教的獅子

從前有個傳教士走在非洲的草原上,當他發現有隻獅子在跟蹤他,他立即祈禱說: 「噢!上帝啊,請保佑跟在我後面的是一隻好的基督教獅子。」令人驚訝的是,他聽到這隻獅子竟也對上帝禱告「噢!上帝,感謝您賜給我這麼美好的大餐。」

2. Animals have feelings, emotions and love.

Some of my friends told me that animals do not have souls, so they are food for us. I may agree that animals are food for us if anyone agrees that we are food for lions. I am not sure that whether they have souls or not, at lease they are cute, playful, and trustworthy. Also, one thing for sure is that they have feelings, emotions and love. Look at these two pictures. They are different kinds of animals, but when they are looking at their children, their eyes are all full of motherl love. The greatest love which touches everyone’s heart is the same as all human beings, including you and me.

Do you want some thing fresh? Try this, “Fresh Chicken Burger.” So, if you take a look at the chick before they become chicken, no matter how delicious it is, it would be hard for you to enjoy this meal. Also, if your cat tasted like chicken, will you eat her?

2. 動物也有感受、情緒及愛


3. Introduce the film: Meet Your Meat

I think most of us have known how terrible the laughter house is and how people raise these animals, such as people cut animals’ horns, teeth, tails, and beaks without pain killer. But I still ask you to visit the website:, and see the film: Meet Your Meat, you will have stronger feeling to empathize and sympathize these animals. Some of you may think the film is too bloody and terrible; however, I am not asking you to see an exaggerated horror movie, but tragedies that happen to these innocent and helpless animals everyday.

3. 影片介紹:與肉相遇


III. Love our siblings and environment

1. Deforestation

In 1961, America started to export beef from Central America, and Central America had 130 square miles of rain forest. However, in just 25 years, there were only less than 80 square miles of rain forest left.

III. 愛同胞與環境

1. 森林破壞


2. Extinction of species

Besides, every year, there are 10 thousand of species extinct, and it’s about one species per hour, because of the deforestation. Also, many rain forest natives die from hunger because their living environment was destroyed.

2. 動物滅絕


3. Animal excrement

Also, Reader Digest reports, on average, 90 % of protein may be wasted during the process of transferring plant to animal protein. If you use 100 kg .of soybean to feed animals, you may only get 12 kg of pork or 10 kg of beef. These nutrients were converted into all kinds of animal waste, such as uric acid and lactic acid, and excrement. Everyday, twenty billion pounds of animal excrement is produced, and it is twenty times more than the American waste. and seriously pollute our rivers and make them become rotten.

3. 動物排泄物

讀者文摘也報導,平均90 % 的植物蛋白質可能在轉化為動物性蛋白質的過程中被浪費。如果用一百公克的黃豆餵動物,您只能得到12公克的豬肉或10公克的牛肉。這些養份大都被轉化為動物尿酸、乳酸或排泄物。每天都會產生二百億磅的動物糞便,而這是美國人排泄物的二十倍,因此嚴重污染了我們的河川,並使其腐臭。

4. People are dying from hunger

Institute for Food and Development Policy (better known as food first) also states 40 thousand children die from hunger everyday, and it means just every two seconds, one child die from hunger. Also, half of world population (about 3 billion) suffers in hunger.

4. 飢餓至死


5. Waste of food

While many people die from hunger, the U.S. uses 85% of food to feed farm animals, and they need 667 kg of food every year. However, in China averagely every people only need 195kg of grain, because they use 73% of food for people to eat directly.

5. 食物浪費

美國人只以15%的食物直接食用,而一年需667公斤的穀物。中國人直接食用73% 的食物而一年只需195公斤的穀物。

6. Three pictures

a. Look at the hand in this page, you can see how tiny it is, and it would be easy for you to think of a fragile child is suffering from hunger.

b. The boy in the picture is just like a stack of bones. Even though he had kneeled down just for surviving, he still may not get what he need.

c. Hereby, I would like to ask: While our siblings are suffering, should we still use a lot of food to feed animals?

6. 三張照片

a. 請看照片中的這隻手,您看它有多纖細,此應不難想像這個脆弱的小孩正在承受著飢餓。

b. 照片中的男孩真的瘦到僅剩皮包骨。即使他為生存而跪求人們,他仍可能無法滿足那卑微的需求。

c. 在此,我想說的是:當我們的兄弟姐妹都還在受飢苦,我們仍應將大部份的食物用來餵動物嗎?

II. Love ourselves

1. Vegetarianism not only good for animals and environment, but also good for ourselves. You must remember just a few years ago, more than four thousand people suffered from SARS. It spread to 27 countries just within a few months and caused the deaths of 251 people. Besides this disease, AIDS, bird flu, and mad cow disease have all make you and me live under the terrible nightmare. While many of these diseases are almost incurable by modern medical science, I would like to introduce the best way to prevent you from these threats, and enhance your health—that is vegetarian diet.

III. 愛自己

1 素食不僅有利動物及環境,對我們自已也很好。您應該還記得幾年前,超過四千人得了SARS,且在短短數月內便散佈到27國,並造成了251人死亡。此外,如AIDS,禽流感,狂牛症,都使你我生活於夢魘之中。當現代醫學對這些疾病似乎束手無策時,後學很樂意為\您介紹一種最佳方式以使您免除於這些威脅—那就是素食。

2. In Nutritional Immunology, Dr Chen from the Brigham Young University states that our immune systems are just the best doctors for ourselves. The best way to keep ourselves health is to strengthen our immune systems by developing a positive attitude, getting enough sleep, doing moderate exercise, and absorb balanced nutrition. O.K., you may want to know what the balanced nutrition is. It should come from healthy, uncooked, various, and wholesome plants.

2 在《營養免疫學》書中,楊百翰大學的陳昭妃博士指出,人們的免疫系統就是最好的醫生。能使我們保持健康的最要方式,就是以正向態度、充足睡眠、適量運動並攝取均衡營養以強化免疫力。而攝取均衡營養即來自於健康的、未煮的、多元的及整顆的植物。

3. Besides, there is a myth that vegetarian diet can’t provide enough nutrition.

a. Take myself as an example. When I was in army, I was an infantry platoon leader in a small rocky island. Life was tough, and there was even no running water. But I never took sick leave, and my physical vigor was better than most soldiers.

b. Besides, you can see, before, I have a lot of pimples on my forehead. If you look at my face carefully, you may see many scars, which proves that I had many pimples before I am a vegetarian.

c. You may think it’s only my personal experience, but you can see strong evidence from these famous people. These Olympic medalists, trophy winner are very energetic and muscular. Moreover, some of them are boxers or bodybuilders. Even former President Bill Clinton is trying to be a vegetarian, like his daughter, Chelsea. People liked to tease Bill’s diet habit. Before, he liked to go jogging, and then went to fast food store and ate lots of junk food. Then, he suffered a serious heart attack and that almost killed him. I guess that’s why he started to think of becoming a vegetarian.

3 此外,有種迷思認為素食不能提供足夠的營養。

a. 筆者以自身實際經驗作例證。筆者在從軍時,為外島的離島的步兵排長。那裡環境艱困,也沒有自來水。但筆者不但不曾請病假,體能也略勝於一般士兵。

b. 筆者的朋友們都很難想像以前筆者是滿臉粉刺,但如果他們靠近觀之,便可證明筆者所言不假。

c. 如果您認為上述僅為筆者個人例證,您還可從這些名人得到強而有力的證據。這些奧運名人或冠軍選手,都是非常精力充沛且肌肉發達的。其中某些人還是拳擊手或健美先生。連前美國總統柯林頓也開始學習他女兒雀兒喜吃素。人們喜歡嘲笑柯林頓的飲食習慣。之前,他喜歡慢跑,然後就跑到速食站大快朵頤。接著,他遭受很嚴重的心臟病之苦還差點送命。我想那是為何他開始想從“速食主義者”變成”素食主義者”。

3. Moreover, let’s look at the next page, and you can actually see that vegetarian food contain more calcium, unsaturated fat, protein, Magnesium, iron, fiber and less cholesterol. People believe that milk contains much calcium, but it still has less calcium, 193 mg to be exact, than sesame and soybeans. Besides, you can see that most vegetarian food contains low percentage of saturated fat and much unsaturated fat. Unsaturated fat is important for our health and may help us to eliminate saturated fat in our bodies, which can therefore prevent us from receiving cardiovascular diseases.

3. 進一步地,從下頁觀之,則可得知素食含較多的鈣、不飽和脂肪酸、蛋白質、鎂、鐵、纖維及較少的膽固醇。一般人相信牛奶含較多的鈣,但仍比黃豆少,只含193毫克。此外,也可從表得知,大部份的蔬菜含低比例的飽和脂肪酸。不飽和脂肪酸對我們的健康很重要,並可幫助清除體內的飽和脂肪酸,也因此可預防心血管疾病。

4. When I was at NY, my classmate’s father was suffering from cancer. I tried to tell her the health problem caused by meat, but she just said: “Everything is too late” People make animal sufferng, and animal meat cause people serious illness. I think all Buddhas and loving people, including you and me, will try our best to stop this vicious circle.

4. 當筆者在紐約時,同學的父親正遭受癌症之苦。當我試著告訴她肉所帶來的健康問題,她僅回答:「一切都太晚了。」人們造成動物的痛苦,而動物造成人們重大疾病,因此,後學相信眾仙佛及有愛心的人,包括我和你,將誓盡最大力量,停止此惡性循環。

IV. Conclusion

1. A kindergarten teacher tried to teach her students about the rooster, the male chicken. She asked her students, “What kind of animal will call you to wake up in the morning?” Then all kids yelled loudly, “My mother.” Besides the chicken, dogs watch our home, and bulls plow fields for us….They all have great contribution to us; therefore, all animals should be our pals (friends), not meals.

2. Finally, I wish all my Dao members and sentient beings would live peacefully and happily together, and I would like to apologize to God and Buddhas if I should make any mistakes in the speech. Also, I humbly ask Dao Transmitting Masters and lecturers to supplement any omit ion that I have made in my speech. Thank you very much.

IV. 結論

1. 有位老師試著教學生什麼是公雞。她問學生:「什麼動物會在清晨叫你們起床?」結果小孩們一起大聲叫:「媽媽。」除了公雞,狗也會看門,牛也會耕田…等。牠們對我們都有很大的貢獻,因此所有的動物應該是我們的朋友,而非食物。

2. 最後,後學希望所有的道親和眾生都能安詳而愉快地生活。若後學有講錯之處,叩求仙佛赦罪,點傳師及講師多補充。謝謝大家。
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